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For Constitution click here
For Club Competition Rules click here
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Photography, RPS statement click
Link to Youtube Tutorials click here
Image Preparation for different uses.
Please read the correct requirements below and adjust/title your images accordingly:
(If you are not sure how to do any of this please contact a committee member. We would rather help you enter than you not enter because you can't do the technical stuff!)
Club DPI Competition Entry. (Up to 3 images)
1, Maximum Size 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels as a landscape, and portraits 1080 pixels high.
Do not exceed this size. If your finished image ratio does not marry this size perfectly, for example, it might be 1920 x 1200, resize it so that the 1200 pixel height is 1080 pixels high the width will then, (keeping the same proportions as the original image), be smaller than 1920 pixels wide. There is no need to add a large infill black border along the smaller sized side as the competition software does this automatically.
2, Colour space : sRGB
This is required as the projector and competition software uses this colour space. If your image is RGB the colour won't be projected as you wish it to be, it will loose it's vibrance in colour. It is recommended that you change your image colour space to sRGB before you start any work on it, that way you are working an image which as you progress to the finished point will look as you wish it to be projected. Please note Raw images straight out of camera do not have any colour space attached, it's when you take it through the raw converter that a colour space is attached but you can specify which it is. If you shoot in Jpeg most cameras can be set so they come out of the camera as sRGB straight away.
3, Submitting your entries.
Submit your entries via the club's PhotoEntry system. (All paid up members of the club will be given their own unique user name and password to PhotoEntry).
Your Web Gallery Images (max 20) Any member can have a gallery if they wish.
Any image you wish to have in your online gallery should be at least 1800 pixels on the longest side landscape or portrait (larger is fine). They need to be jpegs and titled using an underscore where a space in the title would be, so your Image titled “A Splash of Red” would look like this “A_Splash_of_Red.jpeg” No need to number them. Please email them direct to Lyn: and say they are for your web gallery. Over time you can update your gallery sending new images and asking for old ones to be removed.
Monthly Website Challenge. This is open to all members. Maximum of 3 images. (See Monthly Challenge page for more information)
Please size your images the same as for club competitions, a maximum of 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. They need to be jpegs and title and name of author given using a full stop instead of spaces, e.g. Joe Blogg's image titled "Misty Morning" would be Misty.Morning, and author name would be Joe.Bloggs. Enter your images via the PhotoEntry system by midnight on the last day of the month.
We may use gallery images and competition images (after the competition has run) elsewhere on the web site eg. on the home page slide show, and also on our club Facebook page. Please let us know if you don't want your images used in this way.
Facebook Page
We have Monmouth Photographic Club Facebook group - click the link at the right of the tool bar above. It allows members to post photos for comments by others, ask and answer photo questions, and just generally keep in contact and help each other as needed. If you are interested find the group on facebook and put in a request to join.
For our Facebook Guidelines
click here
WhatsApp Group
We also have a Monmouth Photographic Club WhatsApp group where members can post photos and comment on photos, invite others to join them on photography trips, or just generally chat about all things photographical. If you would like to join the WhatsApp group email your mobile number to Keith Sharples -
Image on this page: "Loch Insh" by Fintan Healy