The monthly challenge gives members a chance to produce non-competitive images for display on the website. Each month there will be a different challenge, sometimes quite a wide subject and so relatively easy, sometimes a more specific challenge perhaps involving a particular technique or type of photography.
Ideally you should go out to take photos specifically for the challenge, but you may use images from your back catalogue if you have suitable ones.
You can produce traditional 'competition' type images, but because this is non-competitive it also gives you a chance to be more experimental if you prefer. Many members produce interesting and wonderful images, or witty and amusing images, that do not necessarily do well in traditional competitions and this is a chance to showcase these.
At the end of each month all the images will be put up on the website in a gallery for everyone to view.
Members who use the club's WhatsApp can comment on their favourites, or ask authors questions about how they achieved their images. We will also have a 'Zoom' evening on the second Friday of each month to discuss the images, for those who would like to.
Web Challenge Rules:
- Up to three images per member per month.
- Images to be entered via the PhotoEntry system by midnight on the last day of the month.
- Size your images the same as for club competitions, maximum of 1920 pixels wide 1080 pixels high. (If you don't know how to resize please ask for help.)
- When entering your image title and author name in PhotoEntry please use full stops instead of spaces in your title and put a full stop between your names. (e.g. Joe Bloggs' image called Misty Morning Light would be Misty.Morning.Light, and author name would be Joe.Bloggs).
Monthly website challenge for May 2024 was:
Lights. May's images are now in the Monthly Challenge
Monthly website challenge for June 2024 was:
Decay. These images can be seen in the Monthly Challenge
Monthly website challenge for July 2024 was:
Three on a Theme. The subject can be whatever you like but your three images must all have something in common so that they fit one theme. You can either enter three separate images (three dpis), or if you prefer you can present all three images together on one canvas as a panel (one dpi). To see July's images go to the
Monthly website challenge for August 2024 was:
The Conversation. Go to the
Gallery to view August's images.
Monthly website challenge for September 2024 was:
Clash of Colour. These images can now be viewed in the
Monthly website challenge for October 2024 was:
Shadows. October's images can be viewed in the
Monthly website challenge for November 2024 was:
Faded. These images are now in the
Monthly website challenge for December 2024 was:
Action. Go to the
Gallery to view December's images.
Monthly website challenge for January 2025 is:
What Makes Me Me!
Monthly website challenge for February 2025 is:
Against the Light.
Below are a few examples from past challenges. To see all the images from the past months' webchallenges go to the Galleries page (Monthly Challenge)