We are a small and friendly local club, meeting at Mitchel Troy Village Hall on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, with the aim of improving both the quality and enjoyment of our photography. We hope club meetings will inspire you, help you to learn, but also be fun!
Within the club, there is something for everyone, from the beginner, exploring what their camera can do, to the more experienced photographer wishing to further expand and extend their capabilities. Absolute beginners are very welcome, don’t worry if you think your photography is not good enough, the purpose of belonging to the club is to help you learn at your own pace. If you have an interest in and enjoy photography you are good enough!
It doesn’t matter what camera you have, a simple point and shoot camera or your phone camera is fine. Club meetings will help you to make the most of whatever camera you have.
We have presentations from some of the best photographers in the UK which inspire us and often give hints and tips on how they achieve their images. Within the club help is on hand from other members to enable you to better understand your camera which will help you produce better images. You also have the chance to learn some of the aspects of image enhancement using some of the software options now available to photographers.
In addition to the main meetings at the Village Hall, we also hold Zoom meetings with speakers from further afield, and each month we have an optional monthly 'challenge’ where photographs can be presented, and friendly, non-competitive critiques will be provided to help you learn.
We also have regular local, (and occasional not so local), trips, simply to take photographs of places and subjects we may not otherwise go to.
At times throughout the year we run workshops/ tutorials on practical aspects of using your camera, (e.g. shutter speeds, f-stops etc); using photoshop or other software; and printing and mounting your images.
There is no obligation to enter any of the club competitions. Monmouth Photographic Club does hold internal competitions, and is highly regarded for the quality of the images it submits externally, but we recognise that competitions are not for everyone. You can learn a lot just by watching other people’s photos being judged.
How to Join :
If you think we might be for you, you are welcome to "try us out" before joining. You can join in all events, (meetings at Mitchell Troy Village Hall, Zoom meetings, Zoom discussion group, and outdoor photography meet ups) during your first month for free. At the end of the month if you want to continue you would then have to join.
If you decide to join us the annual membership fee is £80, (equivalent to just over £1.50 a week), paid by two installments, £40 in September, £40 in January*. This fee covers ALL meetings including the Hall meetings and refreshments, and the monthly Zoom meetings and discussion groups, (there is no further meeting charge).
Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. The fee for under 16s is 50% of the full fee and the accompanying adult is free.
*Our season runs from September to September. For
new members joining part way through the season, fees are pro-rata as follows:
October £70 (£30 + £40), November £60 (£20 +£40), December £50 (£10 + £40), January £40, February £30, March £20, April - £10, May - no charge.
If you would like to message or speak to someone on the phone for more information, please go to the
contact us page.
Image on this page: "Constitution" by Lisa Spary